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[发布日期:2021-04-20 点击数: ]



2013.07-至今 ManBetX中国官网,讲师,副教授,硕士生导师

2006.09-2013.06 中科院植物研究所,光合中心,发育生物学,理学博士

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1.XW Wang, C Shao, L-B Liu, Y Wang, Y An, H Li, Y Ding, Y Jing, X Li, JW Xiao (肖建伟)*. 2023. PtrDJ1C, an atypical member of the DJ-1 superfamily, is essential for early chloroplast development and lignin deposition in poplar. Horticultural Plant Journal (Accepted).

2.An Y, Wang Y, Wang X, Xiao J (肖建伟)*. 2022. Development of chloroplast transformation and gene expression regulation technology in land plants. Frontiers in Plant Science10.3389/fpls.2022.1037038.

3. Wang X, An Y, Li Y, Xiao J (肖建伟)*. 2021. A PPR protein ACM1 is involved in chloroplast gene expression and early plastid development in Arabidopsis. International Journal of Molecular Science 22(5): 2512.

4. Wang X, An Y, Xu P, Xiao J (肖建伟)*. 2021. Functioning of PPR proteins in organelle RNA metabolism and chloroplast biogenesis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12: 627501.

5. Wang X, An Y, Xiao J (肖建伟)*. 2021. PPR protein Early Chloroplast Development 2 is essential for chloroplast development at the early stage of Arabidopsis development. Plant Science. 308: 110908.

6. Wang X, Zhao L, Man Y, Li X, Wang L, Xiao J (肖建伟)*. 2020. PDM4, a pentatricopeptide repeat protein, affects chloroplast gene expression and chloroplast development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11: 1198.

7. Xu H, Zhang L, Li R, Liu X, Jing Y and Xiao J* (肖建伟). 2018. SKL1 Is Essential for Chloroplast Development in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 179.

8. Zhang J, Xiao J* (肖建伟), Li Y, Xu H, Song C, Xie J, and Li R. 2017. PDM3, a pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein, affects chloroplast development. Journal of Experimental Botany 68, 5615–5627.

9. Du L, Zhang J, Qu S, Zhao Y, Su B, Lv X, Li R, Wan Y, Xiao J* (肖建伟). 2017. The pentratricopeptide repeat protein pigment-defective mutant2 is involved in the regulation of chloroplast development and chloroplast gene expression in Arabidopsis. Plant and Cell Physiology 58, 747–759.

10. Xiao J (肖建伟), Li J, Ouyang M, Yun T, He B, Ji D, Ma J, Chi W, Lu C, Zhang L*. 2012. DAC is involved in the accumulation of the cytochrome b6/f complex in Arabidopsis thaliana, Plant Physiology 160, 1911–1922. 

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