ManBetX China·中国ManBetX™


[发布日期:2022-03-23 点击数: ]
安新民,男,2002年浙江大学获博士学位,教授,博士生导师。现在ManBetX中国官网ManBetX China·中国ManBetX™从事教学科研工作。主讲课程:林木分子设计育种、基因工程、遗传学、林木遗传育种学。主要研究方向:林木基因组学与分子育种,主要研究领域:杨树基因组起源与进化、林木基因组编辑、林木生殖发育调控分子机理、林木单倍体诱导技术、林木分子设计育种等。中国林学学会、中国原子能学会会员;为“Journal of Genetics and DNA Research”编委,“New Phytologist”“Plant Biotechnology Journal”“Biotechnology Advance” “Molecular Ecology Resources”“BMC Genetics”“林业科学”“遗传”“ManBetX中国官网学报”“中国生物工程杂志”等学术期刊审稿人。在国内外重要学术期刊上发表论文100 余篇,其中SCI期刊收录40余篇;主编专著1部,参编教材1部,完成国家标准1项;获得国审良种5个,林木新品种权证书13件;获得授权国家发明专利8项、实用新型专利1项,申请国际发明专利(PCT)1项。  or


1999.09-2002.06 浙江大学农业科学与技术学院,博士

1996.09-1999.06 四川农业大学林学园艺学院,硕士 

1992.09-1994.06 山西省教育学院化学系,本科 



2016.09-2017.04 Oregon State University, OR, USA. Senior visiting scholar 

2007.11-2008.12 University of Connecticut, CT, USA. Visiting scholar

2007.03-2007.07 Oregon State University, OR, USA. Visiting scholar 



2004.06-现在 ManBetX中国官网ManBetX China·中国ManBetX™,讲师-副教授-教授。

2002.07-2004.06 ManBetX中国官网ManBetX China·中国ManBetX™博士后

1989.07-1996.08 山西省灵石县静升中学任教 



1.“十四五”国家重点研发计划“林木无痕基因编辑和多基因编辑技术研究”(2021YFD2200101-03), 主持,185万元,2021.12-2026.11;
2.国家自然科学基金 “基于CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑技术的栾树叶色变异分子机制研究”(31870652)(主持), 60万元,2019.01-2022.12;
3.国家科技重大专项“抗虫彩叶转基因杨树新品种培育”(2018ZX08020002-002-004), 主持,175.26万元,2018.01-2020.12;
4.国家林业局科技发展中心项目“国际林草转基因研究动态分析”(KJZXSA2018030), 主持,15万元,2018.12-2019.12;
5.国家自然科学基金“应用基因组靶向编辑技术--CRISPR/Cas9研究杨树开花的分子调控机制”(31570661) (主持), 76.8万元,2016.01-2019.12; 
6.国家自然科学基金“杨树种絮发育的分子调控机理研究”(31170631) (主持), 59万元,2012-2015; 
7.国家“973”项目“木材品质性状QTL定位、解析与克隆”(2012CB114505)(骨干), 88万元,2012-2016; 
8.国家“863”项目“杨树抗虫分子育种与品种创制”(2011AA100201)(骨干), 27万元,2011-2015; 
9.“十二五”科技支撑项目 “超高产优质杨树速生材新品种选育” (2012BAD01B0302) (骨干), 30万元,2012-2016; 
10.国家“863”项目“杨树抗逆分子育种与品种选育” (骨干), 60万元,2013-2017; 
11.林业公益性项目“重要乡土树种核心种质评价及高效育种共性技术研究(201004009)”(骨干), 73.5万元,2010-2013; 
13.教育部留学回国人员启动科研基金项目“转基因植物外源基因清除技术体系的研究” (主持),4万元,2011-2012; 
14.国家自然科学基金“毛白杨花组织特异性启动子的分离及其功能鉴定”(30571511) (主持), 28万元,2006-2008; 
15.国家自然科学基金“毛白杨开花关键基因的分离及其功能研究”(30371175) (主持), 7万元,2004-2005; 
16.博士后基金“毛白杨LEAFY基因的克隆及其特性分析”(2002032041)(主持), 1万元,2003-2004; 
17.国家林业局项目“林木转基因研究现状调查及存在问题研究”(主持), 15万元,2009-2011; 
18.国家863项目“速生杨树品种抗虫、抗旱耐盐转基因育种研究”(2009AA10Z107) (副主持), 48万元,2009-2011; 
19.国家863项目“基于植物学原理的虚拟毛白杨模型研究与实现”(2006AA10Z232) (副主持), 50万元,2006-2010; 
20.国家863项目“速生杨树品种抗虫、抗旱耐盐转基因育种研究”(2009AA10Z107) (副主持), 50万元,2006-2010; 
21.“十一五”科技支撑项目“高产优质毛白杨速生材新品种选育”(2006BAD01A1502)(骨干), 2006-2010。


山东省自然资源科学技术壹等奖(鲁自然资源科技奖证书第6号), 山东省自然资源厅, 2019.12.27





教育部科技成果完成者证书,教育部, 2009.8.17 

第七届中国林业青年学术年会优秀报告奖, 中国林学会, 2006.12.3 

ManBetX中国官网第七届青年教师教学基本功比赛获三等奖,ManBetX中国官网, 2006.11 

2005-2006生物学院理科基地科技创新优秀指导教师,ManBetX中国官网, 2006.11.8 


首届中国林业学术大会优秀论文三等奖,中国林学会, 2005.11.12

教育部科技成果完成者证书, 教育部, 2002.7.5 



1.专利名称:栾树体细胞胚胎发生及植株再生的培养方法. 发明人:安新民等, 专利号:ZL201610822128.5, 授权日期:2022.01.04

2.专利名称:用于鉴定毛白杨单倍体或纯合二倍体的引物组及其应用. 发明人:安新民等, 专利号:ZL201910181293.0, 授权日期:2022.03

3.专利名称:构建彩叶栾树品种指纹图谱的SSR引物、所构建的指纹图谱及其应用. 发明人:安新民等, 专利号:ZL201610822128.5, 授权日期:2019.07.19

4.专利名称:毛果杨中分离的花器官特异表达启动子及其应用. 发明人:安新民等, 专利号:ZL201310071708.1,授权日期:2014.11.05 

5.专利名称:从毛白杨中分离的温和的组成型表达启动子及其应用. 发明人:安新民等, 专利号:ZL201110439913.X, 授权日期:2013.01.23 

6.专利名称:一种杨树愈伤组织诱导方法及诱导培养基. 发明人:安新民等,专利号:ZL201110441967.X,授权日期:2013.12.04 

7.专利名称:一种杨树单倍体培育方法. 发明人:安新民等, 专利号:ZL 201110440337.0,  授权日期:2013.12.04 

8.专利名称:一种杨树单倍体培育方法. 发明人:安新民等, 国际专利申请号:PCT/CN2012/071847

9.专利名称:一种基于氧化石墨烯与铜银纳米簇结合的凝血酶检测方法. 发明人:安新民等, 申请号:20201196943.8, 申请日期:2020.11.02 

10.专利名称:基于叶片特征预判样本是否存在潜在亲本关系的方法及装置. 安新民等, 申请号:202110325857.0, 申请号:2021.03.29 



1.良种名称:鲁白杨1号, 良种审定号: 国S-SV-PL-004-2017, 授权时间: 2018.03.23

2.良种名称:鲁白杨2号, 良种审定号: 国S-SV-PL-005-2017, 授权时间: 2018.03.23

3.良种名称:毅杨1号, 良种审定号: 国S-SV-PY-001-2013, 授权时间: 2013.12.30

4.良种名称:毅杨2号, 良种审定号: 国S-SV-PY-002-2013, 授权时间: 2013.12.30

5.良种名称:毅杨3号, 良种审定号: 国S-SV-PY-003-2013, 授权时间: 2013.12.30

6.品种名称:毅杨4号, 品种权号: 20120163, 授权时间: 2012.12.26

7.品种名称:毅杨5号, 品种权号: 20120164, 授权时间: 2012.12.26

8.品种名称:毅杨6号, 品种权号: 20120165, 授权时间: 2012.12.26

9.品种名称:毅杨7号, 品种权号: 20120166, 授权时间: 2012.12.26

10.品种名称:毅杨8号, 品种权号: 20120167, 授权时间: 2012.12.26

11.品种名称:毅杨9号, 品种权号: 20120168, 授权时间: 2012.12.26

12.品种名称:毅杨10号, 品种权号: 20120169, 授权时间: 2012.12.26

13.品种名称:毅杨三明1号, 品种权号: 20120042, 授权时间: 2012.04.11

14.品种名称:毅杨三明2号, 品种权号: 20120043, 授权时间: 2012.04.11

15.品种名称:毅杨三明4号, 品种权号: 20120045, 授权时间: 2012.04.11

16.品种名称:晋栾1号, 品种权号: 20130032, 授权时间: 2013.06.28

17.品种名称:晋栾2号, 品种权号: 20140036, 授权时间: 2014.12.25

18.品种名称:晋栾3号, 品种权号: 20140037, 授权时间: 2014.12.25



1.植物新品种特异性、一致性、稳定性(DUS)测试技术标准 杨属. 2012年5月31日发布



1.Li Y, Zhang DQ, Zhang S, Lou Y, An XM, Jiang ZH, Gao ZM. Transcriptome and mirnaome analysis reveals components regulating tissue differentiation of bamboo shoots. PLANT PHYSIOL, 2022,00:1-17. DOI 10.1093/plphys/kiac018

2.Zhang XF, An XM. Adaptation by type III CRISPR-Cas systems: breakthrough findings and open questions. FRONT MICROBIOL, 2022

3.Li J, Gao K, Yang XY, Guo B, Xue YX, Miao DY, Huang S, An XM*. Comprehensive Analyses of Four?PtoNF-YC?Genes from?Populus tomentosa?and Impacts on Flowering Timing.?INT J MOL SCI,?2022,?23, 3116. 

4.An XM*, Gao K, Chen Z, Li J, Yang XY, Zhou J, Guo T, Zhao TY, Huang S, Miao DY, Khan WU, Rao P, Ye MX, Lei BQ, Liao WH, Wang J, Ji LX, Li Y, Guo B, Mustafa NS, Li SW, Yun QZ, Keller SR, Mao JF*, Zhang RG*, Strauss SH*. High quality haplotype-resolved genome assemblies of Populus tomentosa Carr., a stabilized interspecific hybrid species that is widespread in Asia. MOL ECOL RESOUR, 2022,22(2):786-802.

5.Xue YX, Li SY, Miao DY, Huang S, Guo B, Li SW, An XM*. Investigation of PtSGT1 and PtSGT4 Function in Cellulose Biosynthesis in Populus tomentosa Using CRISPR/Cas9 Technology. INT J MOL SCI., 2021, 22(24): 13200. 

6.Yang XY, Guo T, Li J, Chen Z, Guo B, An XM*. Genomic-Wide Identification and Gene Expression Analysis of the MYB-Related Transcription Factor Family in Populus. INT J BIOL MACROMOL, 2021,191:359-376. 

7.Yang XY, Li J, Guo T, Guo B, Chen Z, An XM*. Comprehensive analysis of the R2R3-MYB transcription factor gene family in Populus. IND CROP PROD, 2021, 168, 113614

8.Guo B, Hao XC, Han LJ, Zhai Y,  Zhou S, Chen S, Ren D, An XM*. Unraveling the genetic diversity and structure of Quercus liaotungensis population through analysis of microsatellite markers. Peer J. 2021 Apr 14;9:e10922. doi: 10.7717/peerj.10922. 

9.Elorriaga E,?Klocko A,?Ma C,?M Plessis du,?An XM,?Myburg AA,?Strauss SH.?Genetic containment in vegetatively propagated forest trees: CRISPR disruption of LEAFY function in Eucalyptus gives sterile indeterminate inflorescences and normal juvenile development.?PLANT BIOTECHNOL J, 2021,19(9):1743-1755.

10.Gao Y, Yang X, Yang X, Zhao T, An XM, Chen Z. Characterization and expression pattern of the trehalose-6-phosphate synthase and trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase gene families in Populus. INT J BIOL MACROMOL, 2021, 187:9-23.

11.An XM*, Gao K, Chen Z, et al. Hybrid origin of Populus tomentosa Carr. identified through genome sequencing and phylogenomic analysis. BioRxiv, 2020, 030692v1.

12.Guo B, Zheng Z L, Gao K, Ma JL, Wang JY, Yang F, An XM*. Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of Calophaca sinica Rehd[J]. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 2020, 5(1):614-615.

13.Li J, Gao K, Yang XY, Khan WU, Guo B, Guo T, An XM*. Identification and characterization of the CONSTANS-like gene family and its expression profiling under light treatment in Populus. INT J BIOL MACROMOL, 2020,161(10):999-1010.

14.Li J, Gao K, Khan WU, Yang X, Yang XY, Zhao TY, Chen Z, An XM*. Genome-wide analysis of poplar NF-Y gene family and its expression in floral bud development of Populus tomentosa. TREES, 2020,34:285–296.

15.Li J, Gao K, Lei BQ, Zhou J, Guo J, An XM*. Altered sucrose metabolism and plant growth in transgenic Populus tomentosa with altered sucrose synthase PtSS3. TRANSGENIC RES, 2020, 29:125–134 .

16.Yang XY, Zhao TY, Rao P, Lei BQ, Khan WU, Gao K, Chen Z, An XM*. Transcriptome profiles of phytohormone-related genes in Populus tomentosa vegetative buds from endodormancy to ecodormancy. S AFR J BOT, 2020, 130:430-439 . 

17.Yang XY, Zhao TY, Rao P, Gao K, Yang X, Chen Z, An XM*. Transcriptome profiling of Populus tomentosa under cold stress. IND CROP PROD, 2019,135:283-293. .

18.Lu H, Klocko AL, Brunner AM, Ma C, Magnuson AC, Howe GT, An XM, Strauss SH. RNA interference suppression of AGAMOUS and SEEDSTICK alters floral organ identity and impairs floral organ determinacy, ovule differentiation, and seed-hair development in Populus. NEW PHYTOL, 2019, 222(2):923-937

19.Gao K, Li J, Khan W, Zhao TY, Yang X, Yang XY, Guo B, An XM*. Comparative genomic and phylogenetic analyses of Populus section Leuce using complete chloroplast genome sequences. TREE GENET GENOMES, 2019, 15(3):32. 

20.Chen Z, Rao P, Yang XY, Su XX, Zhao TY, Gao K, Yang X, An XM*. A Global View of Transcriptome Dynamics During Male Floral Bud Development in Populus tomentosa[J]. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1):722.

21.Yang X, Yang XY, Guo T, Gao K, Zhao TY, Chen Z, An XM*. High-Efficiency Somatic Embryogenesis from Seedlings of Koelreuteria paniculata Laxm. FORESTS, 2018, 9(12), 769.

22.Rao P, Chen Z, Yang XY, Gao K, Yang X, Zhao TY, Li SY, Wu B, An XM*. Dynamic transcriptomic analysis of the early response of female flowers of Populus alba × P. glandulosa to pollination. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1):6048.

23.Chen Z, Ji LX, Wang J, Jin J, Yang XY, Rao P, Gao K, Liao WH, Ye MX, An XM*. Dynamic changes in the transcriptome of Populus hopeiensis in response to abscisic acid. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7:42708.

24.Chen Z, Yang X, Su XX, Gao K, Rao P, An XM*. A comprehensive gene network for fine tuning floral development in poplar[J]. GENES GENOM, 2017, 39 (7):793-803. 

25.Yang X, Gao K, Chen Z, Yang XY, Rao P, Zhao TY, An XM*. Development and Application of EST-SSR Markers in Koelreuteria paniculata Laxm. Using a Transcriptomic Approach. Biotechnology, 2017, 16(1):45-56.

26.Chen Z, Yang X, Su XX, Rao P, Gao K, Lei BQ1, An XM*. Identification and expression analysis of APETALA1 homologues in poplar. ACTA PHYSIOL PLANT, 2015, 37(3):1-10. DOI 10.1007/s11738-015-1805-z 

27.Chen Z, Ye MX , Liao WH, Ma HD, Gao K, Lei BQ, An XM*. Overexpression of AtAP1M3 regulates flowering time and floral development in Arabidopsis and effects key flowering-related genes in poplar. TRANSGENIC RES, 2015, 24(4):705-715. 

28.Ma HD, Dong YM, Chen Zhong, Liao WH, Lei BQ, Gao K, Li SW, An XM*. Variation in the Growth Traits and Wood Properties of Hybrid White Poplar Clones. FORESTS, 2015, 6(4): 1107-1120. 2015, doi:10.3390/f50x000x

29.Chen Z, Gao K, Su XX, Rao P, An XM*. Genome-Wide Identification of the Invertase Gene Family in Populus. PLOS ONE, 2015, 10. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0138540

30.An XM* , Chen Z, Wang J, Ye M, Ji L, Wang J, Liao W, Ma H. Identification and characterization of the Populus sucrose synthase gene family. GENE, 2014, 539(1): 58-67. DOI information: 10.1016/j.gene.2014.01.062 

31.Ye MX, Chen Z, Su XX, Ji LX, Wang J, Liao WH, Ma HD, An XM*. Study of seed hair growth in Populus tomentosa, an important character of female floral bud development. BMC GENOMICS, 2014, 15:475. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-475. 

32.Liao WH, Ji LX, Wang J, Chen Z, Ye MX, Ma HD, An XM*. Identification of glutathione S-transferase genes responding to pathogen infestation in Populus tomentosa. FUNCT INTEGR GENOMIC, 2014, 14:517–529. DOI 10.1007/s10142-014-0379-y 

33.Wang ZL, Liu J, Guo HY, He X, Wu WB, Du JC, Zhang ZY, An XM*. Characterization of two highly similar CBF/DREB1-like genes, PhCBF4a and PhCBF4b, in Populus hopeiensis. PLANT PHYSIOL BIOCH., 2014, 83:107–116. 

34.Ye MX, Ji LX, Chen Z, Li H, Guo B, Wang J, Liao WH, An XM*. ARUPSEQ: Automatic Retrieval of Gene Upstream Sequence. Biotechnology, 2014,13(2):85-88 DOI:10.3923/biotch.2014. 

35.Ji LX, Wang J, Ye MX, Li Y, Guo B, Chen Z, Li H, An XM*. Identification and Characterization of the Populus AREB/ABF Subfamily. J INTEGR PLANT BIOL, 2013, 55 (2): 177-186. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-7909.2012.01183.x. 

36.Li Y, Li H, Chen Z, Ji LX, Ye MX, Wang J, Wang LN , An XM*. Haploid plants from anther cultures of poplar (Populus × beijingensis). PLANT CELL TISS ORG, 2013,114(1):39-48. DOI 10.1007/s11240-013-0303-5. 

37.Chen Z, Wang J, Ye MX, Li H, Ji LX, Li Y, Cui DQ, Liu JM, An XM*. A novel moderate constitutive promoter derived from poplar (Populus tomentosa Carr.). INT J MOL SCI, 2013, 14, 6187-6204; doi:10.3390/ijms14036187. 

38.An XM, Wang DM, Wang ZL, Ye MX, Zhang ZY. Full-length Enriched cDNA Library Construction from Multi-Stage Covering Floral Bud Development in Populus tomentosa. African Journal of Biotechnology . 2012, 11(29): 7373-7377. 

39.Zheng HQ, Lei Y, Zhang ZY, Lin SZ, Zhang Q, Liu WF, Du J, An XM, Zhao XY. Analysis of promoter activity of PtDrl02 gene in white poplars. J PLANT BIOCHEM BIOT, 2012, 21(1): 88-97. 

40.An XM, Ye MX, Wang DM, Wang ZL, Cao GL, Zheng HQ, Zhang ZY. Ectopic expression of a Poplar APETALA3-like gene in tobacco causes early flowering and fast growth. BIOTECHNOL LETT, 2011,33:1239–1247. DOI: 10.1007/s10529-011-0545-4 

41.An XM, Wang DM, Wang ZL, Li B, Bo WH, Cao GL, Zhang ZY. Isolation of a LEAFY homolog from Populus tomentosa: expression of PtLFY in P. tomentosa floral buds and PtLFY-IR-mediated gene silencing in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). PLANT CELL REP, 2011, 30(1): 89-100. DOI 10.1007/s00299-010-0947-0 

42.Jiang XB, Song YP, Guo B, Ma KF, Wang ZL, Li B, An XM, Zhang ZY. Physiological and biochemical responses to low temperature stress in hybrid clones of Populus ussuriensis Kom. × P. deltoids Bartr. AFR J BIOTECHNOL, 2011,10(82): 19011-19024. 

43.Zheng HQ, Zhang Q, Li HX., Lin SZ, An XM, Zhang ZY, Li Y. Over-expression of the triploid white poplar PtDrl01 gene in tobacco enhances resistance to tobacco mosaic virus. PLANT BIOLOGY, 2010. doi:10.1111/j.1438-8677.2010.00327.x 

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